The Beginning

Dr. Oscar James Cooper

Beta Chapter 1916

Charlotte "Lottie" B. Wilson
Establishing Beta Chapter
In the Fall of 1913 four members of the Junior Class of Lincoln University met in Brother A.M. Willis’ room to consider the most expedient move to circumvent the unscrupulous attacks of certain factions and political onslaughts. In this meeting were F.P. Stewart, A.M. Willis, H.E. James, and N.A. Holmes. After a prolonged consideration we decided that an effort must be made to unite against the aristocratic tyranny of certain members of the University. It was such a conception that fathered our communication and sending of a representative to Alpha Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi; with sufficient instructions and authoritative knowledge to consider plans for our incipiency into the college life of Lincoln University.
On February 6, 1914, twenty men met your representatives, Brothers Brannon, Cooper,
and McMorris, with their hearts and minds resolved to fight corruption and aristocracy at every angle until Lincoln University stood as a fitting monument for our martyred President.
The twenty men withstood the ordeal and became the charter members. They were H.F.
Andrews, A.S. Beasley, W.E. Bush, W. Douglass, J.E. Fowlkes, L.E. Ginn, G.A. Golighty, H.D. Gregg, N.A. Holmes, E.A. James, H.E. James, W.L. Kiser, H.M. Marlowe, W.G. Price, R.A. Pritchett, R.G. Robinson, C.R. Saulter, F.P. Stewart, A.M. Willis, and A.L. Wallace. Our first officers were elected at the banquet given in honor of your representatives. They were as follows: Basileus, Brother H.E. James; Keeper of Seals Brother H.M. Marlowe; Keeper of Records, Brother W. Douglass; Director of Communication, Brother E.A. James.
In our first regular meeting our Membership, Sick and Discipline Committees were appointed
by the Basileus. In April, we conducted our first initiation marking the following men: Brothers Byrd, Crawford, Asbury, Young and Stanley. In this meeting we incorporated the steel test and the Senatorial Justification. On November twentieth, we made the following men: Brothers W.P. Young, W.R. Rutledge, G. Branch, Somerville and Barrow. These exercises were so impressive that men whose
eyes had never dampened by tears hung their heads in solemn respect for the principles placed before them. That our chapter has been progressive is evidenced by the manifested activity in the student life of Lincoln. It is no exaggeration to write that our men hold all the prominent and conscious positions in the University. Brother Saulter is manager of the football team, instructor in Latin and member of Senior Council, in addition to being the superintendent of the Sunday School. Brother Holmes is the University Mail Clerk, instructor in Mathematics, member of Senior Council, President of German Society and member of Athletic Executive Council. Brother Douglass, assistant manager of the baseball team; A.M. Willis, Treasurer of Athletic Association, Editor of Pullman Porter’s review and Superintendent of Buildings. Brother Stanley is our organist and member of Senior Council. Brother U. Young, leader of the choir; W. Young, Captain of the basketball team; E.A. James, manager of the basketball team and Superintendent of Dining Hall. Our Basileus, Brother Stewart, is a member of the choir, President of Ministerium and member of the Senior Council. This is a brief survey of the work of the brothers in Beta. In our present staff of officers are Basileus, Brother F.P. Stewart; K. of R. Brother Crawford; K.of S., Brother Holmes, and Director of C., Brother Price.
In conclusion, may it be stated whatever and wherever Omega may go, let there be assurance, Beta Chapter, in the presence of Almighty God, will forever strive to be men, promote efforts of uplift, persevere to be scholars and maintain integrity, justice, and virtue.
F.P. Stewart, Basileus
R.J. Crawford, K. of R.