Beta Chapter continued to distinguish itself on the campus of Lincoln University. Beta
Chapter was responsible for sponsoring classical record recitals in the University Chapel in an attempt to bring more culture to campus. In the realm of sports, Beta’s intramural basketball team were champions in 1950. Beta also was scheduled their annual Beta Ball. In 1952 Beta was one of five host chapters for the 38th Grand Conclave in Philadelphia. 1954 saw Lincoln University
celebrating 100 years and the brothers of Beta Chapter were an integral part of the celebration. Brothers also continued their stellar Achievement Week programming at the behest of Bro. Samuel Dismond, Basileus, a member of Who’s Who’s in American Colleges, and Valedictorian of his class.
In 1956, the chapter recognized one of its most influential benefactors, Sister Charlotte
“Lottie B” Wilson by presenting “flowers to the living” and holding a banquet in her honor. Sister Wilson was showered with thanks and congratulatory messages from students and faculty that included Dean Harold Grim. Her husband, Alphonso Wilson, was also in attendance. As a part of Beta Chapter’s 1957 Achievement Week Program the brothers had the pleasure of presenting Dr. Arthur H. Thomas, a prominent surgeon from Philadelphia, and Bishop Edgar Amos
Love, one of the founding fathers of the fraternity, to speak on the issues of desegregation and integration. Beta continued its stellar programming later that school year when it brought Bro. Langston Hughes to speak in observance of Negro History week. He gave an enlightening discourse on the African American in poetry.